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Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Poetry Crib : L to the T

“sketching no direction in the sand, taken from a picture in my hand; walk around, & figure if this is our land, than let us drift right by."

by Trevor Williams
Composer / Lyracist

*** Trevor composed the theme music to dj grandpa's crib....


  1. Say helooo to my female god

    Go east or heads will roll
    a small description unknown
    keep to the subject, death by suicide
    is that a confession told by a catholic
    privileged known only by Zealots, with a life
    deprived of Oxygen.
    Don't be naive. Sex is a small wonder
    if mankind is causally being populated
    Man never wastes time with his desire for sex.
    It's woman lot to keep a familiar friendly
    face. Who's business is it anyway? An affair
    of the heart.
    Young men aloof or bound in power. Unrequited
    love, left a woman hanging. Two- faced one
    with the left, right faced with the wrong side tracks distracted, words Lady God are for the smitten.
    A small happiness born woman.
    A large happiness born man
    Man-God & I are like strangers
    we search the walls for conversation
    Lady-God, why do I feel harassed?

    1. thanks for the response.. dada.. dj grandpa...


Thank you for the feedback.. hold fast.. The Podcast President.